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Thursday, February 3, 2022




    As a part of our B.Ed curriculum, our college conducted a one day yoga workshop on 06th January 2022. The chief guest was Yogacharya Suresh Plavada, director of Vihara foundation and chief yogacharya of Ekalavya yoga centre. Fr. Subin told welcome speech. Vice principal Praseetha V. and teachers were present there. Yogacharya shared his knowledge about yoga to us. In the morning session he focused on theory part and afternoon session was practical side. For him, yoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living.

 For theory part, he explained what is yoga, its etymology, history, ashtamgangal etc. The word yoga is derived from the Sanskrit word ‘yuj’ meaning ‘to join’ or ‘to yoke’ or ‘to unite’. The ultimate aim of yoga is self-realisation, to overcome all kinds of suffering leading to the state of liberation or freedom. As a history, he told that Yoga is an important philosophy in ancient India. It is one of the six ancient Indian philosophies known as the ‘Shadd’ philosophy. There is evidence to suggest that yoga was practiced even during the Indus Valley Civilization. Patanjali Maharshi is believed to be the soul of Yogadarshana. He was born in BC.  It may have lived in the second or fourth century. But he was not the first to raise theories of yoga. He was the author of the authentic book ‘The Yoga Sutras’. He summed up the yogic philosophies in 194 sutras that had influenced the community before him and thus shaped those old thoughts.

Ashtangas: The eight elements of yoga are yama, niyama, aasana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi. Yoga practices that man grows from the lowest stage to the highest stage by controlling his life through these eight exercises. Yamam = self-control:  It's spreading the power of the mind in the right direction.  For this to be possible, non-violence, truth, asceticism, celibacy and abstinence are required. Niyama = purity of body, happiness, penance, self-study, devotion to God. Aasana = technical exercises to be performed for the health of the body. What is being done here is to control the body in order to control the mind. This includes a variety of sports. These are known as yogasanas.

Pranayama = Pranayama is the regulation of breathing patterns. Pratyaharam = to turn the senses away from their subjects. Prathyakara = perception: concentration of the mind is known as perception. Dhyana = meditation; it is the unification of this concentrated mind. Samadhi is the attainment of complete enlightenment through meditation.

In the afternoon session he taught us different aasanas and pranayamas like soorya namaskaram, sitting positions like vajrasana, analoma, viloma, trikonasana, shadbathasana, gomukhasana and so on. This practice was long for about 2 hours. Sandra P. Sathyan of natural science option gave vote of thanks. Yoga workshop was a good experience to me.



As a part of B.Ed curriculum, we conducted a yoga demonstration program on 4th February 2022 in our college. The program was evaluated by Shri Ramesh sir, our physical education trainer. Everyone gathered in our seminar hall and students demonstrated yoga asanas on the stage with a small description about the aasana.

I demonstrated two aasanas. First one was Ardhakandhi chakrasana. It is also called half lateral wheel poster.


·         Stand in the erect position

·    Slowly rise your right hand vertically above our head while breathing in. Stretch the hand further with full inhalation

·         Now slowly bend your body towards left side while exhaling.

·          Maintain normal breathing in the final poster. Maintain the poster about 30 seconds.

·         While inhaling come up and with exhalation slowly bring down the right hand down.

·          Repeat the same on the other side.

NOTE: Pull the body up from the waist before and after going to the pose. Do not allow the hunk to tilt front or back. Bend laterally. Those who have backbone issues or spinal issues, with the consultation of a doctor can do this aasana.


·         Helps in the respiratory functioning

·         Hip joints and spinal cord become flexible

·         Excess fat around the waist reduces.


2. The Next Aasana Was PARVATHASANA.


·         Sit straight up in Dandasana position with legs stretched in front of you and hands kept freely besides the body.

·          Now, sit in the action of padmasana means that your right leg is on the right thigh. (cross legged pose).

·         After this, inhaling slow and deep about 3 seconds and join the palms in the namaskara mudra and stretch the hands upwards over the head.

·         Now pull the body and hands well upwards with keeping your hips on the floor and feel that deep stretch in the body.

·          Maintain the final pose for 20 to 40 seconds.

·         With the breathing normally and then release the pose and slowly return to the starting pose.

NOTE: when you do this aasana, you should not be bowed down at your hands. Keep your waist and hand fingers straight. During practice if you find any pain or discomfort please exit the pose and ask for the expert’s guidance and doctor’s advices.  


·         The health benefits of parvathasana is improving body balance and postures.

·         Parvathasana also removes tension in the shoulders and back

·         It is very effective for the strength of the shoulders and the power of the legs also increase.

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