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What Is Guidance and Counselling?




Why Guidance and Counselling?




Aims and Objectives of Guidance and Counselling



Principles of Guidance Service




Prevailing Practices in Guidance and Counselling




A Report of An Interview with A School Teacher Councillor



Report of The Visit of Counselling Centre, Sammeksha




Findings & Suggestions









Study on Prevailing Practices in Guidance and Counselling in Schools/Community

1.0 Introduction

            Guidance is applicable to all aspects of human life i.e. physical, mental, vital, emotional and spiritual and in all stages of development from infancy to old age. The main objective is to help individual to utilize the basic potentialities to the maximum for adequate adjustment in the environment. India is a democratic country. The success of democracy depends on educated and enlightened individuals who shoulder the responsibilities of running the administration. Guidance is an integral part of education. A counsellor who can help the learners by his conscious power to unite with the real Source. That is why it is included in the B.Ed curriculam. The Various aspects of guidance and counselling like: concept, aims, need, importance, types, role, principles, in schools and teacher education and a report of visit to a Counselling Centre, suggestions, recommendations etc. are discussed in this study. Hope it will provide an enrich idea regarding the guidance and counselling in teacher education and its applicability in schools and comunity.


1.1 What Is Guidance and Counselling?

The two words guidance and counselling generally take on different meanings. The former refers to helping students’ whole-person development, while the latter is frequently targeted at helping students with problems. In other words, guidance work is preventive and developmental in nature whereas counselling is more of supportive, remedial work (LaiYeung, 2014). The global trend seems to have moved from a casework and remedial approach to a preventive, developmental approach in providing guidance and counselling (Gysbers & Henderson, 1994; Yuen, 2002; Lai-Yeung, 2014). Hence guidance and counselling are a very necessary therapy to school children. Guidance in schools is that area of the school’s provision that is specifically directed towards helping pupils realize their full potential in preparing for adult and working life. Counselling is a person-to-person process in which one person is helped by another to develop, increase in understanding and ability to solve his or her problems. 

1.2               Why Guidance and Counselling?

The increase in population, industrialization and westernization have created number of problems for our adolescents who are facing frustration, conflict, tensions, and other stress and strain in the present days. To cope with the increasing pace and change of modern life, students need new life skills such as the ability to deal with stress and frustration and also need advise and guidance from others, especially teachers.

1.3. Aims and Objectives of Guidance and Counselling

Through the guidance program a student must be achieved:

§         To understand himself;

§         To make the most of his capacities, interests and other qualities;

§         To adjust himself satisfactory to the varied situations within his total environment;

§       To develop the ability to make his own unique contribution to society to the fullest possible extent.

Some specific aims of the school guidance and counselling program includes the following: 

  •  To Provide for the Realization of Student Potentialities;
  •   To Help Children with Developing Problems;
  •  To contribute to the Development of the School's Curriculum;
  •  To Provide Teachers with Technical Assistance; and
  •  To Contribute to the Mutual Adjustment of Students and the School.


1.4    Principles of Guidance Service

The principles related to basic assumptions should be broad and meaningful. Gilbert Wren and Willis Dugan have given the following as some of the specific principles of guidance.

  • ·         Guidance is concerned with the ‘whole’ student, not his intellectual life alone
  • ·         Guidance is concerned with all students, not only with ‘special’ or ‘problematic’ students
  • ·         Guidance is concerned primarily with prevention rather than cure
  • ·         Guidance is more than just activity of a specialist
  • ·         It involves the whole school components
  • ·         Guidance is concerned with choices and decisions to be made by students
  • ·         It develops student’s self-understanding and self-determination
  • ·         Guidance is counsel-not compulsion
  • ·         Guidance is a continuous progress throughout school life of each student.


1.5  Prevailing Practices in Guidance and Counselling

Some of the major practices prevailing in guidance and counselling are as follows

1.5.1 Individual Counselling

Individual counseling (sometimes called psychotherapy, talk therapy, or treatment) is a process through which clients work one-on-one with a trained mental health clinician in a safe, caring, and confidential environment. Counseling allows individuals to explore their feelings, beliefs, and behaviors, work through challenging or influential memories, identify aspects of their lives that they would like to change, better understand themselves and others, set personal goals, and work toward desired change.

Individual counseling is counseling focused on the individual's immediate or near future concerns. Individual counseling may encompass career counseling and planning, grief after a loved one dies or dealing with problems at a job before they become big. Individual counseling is a one-on-one discussion between the counselor and the client, who is the person seeking treatment. The two form an alliance, relationship or bond that enables trust and personal growth.

1.5.2 Group counselling


Group counseling is a form of counseling where a small group of people meet regularly to discuss, interact, and explore problems with each other and the group leader; where people can work out problems and emotional concerns. Members gain insight into their own thoughts and behavior, and offer suggestions and support to other. In addition, people who have a difficult time with interpersonal relationships can benefit from the social interactions that are a basic part of the group counseling experience. People who participate in counseling groups benefit in many ways. We believe that groups are uniquely suited to help students.

§   Give and receive support

§   Gain understanding of problems and explore possible solutions

§   Practice interpersonal skills in a safe group setting

§   Learn more about how you come across to others

§   Increase observation and feedback skills

§   Enhance problem-solving skills

§   Improve emotional expressiveness

§   Decrease social isolation

§   Develop good communication skills


1.5.3 Career Counselling

Career counseling can be seen as a specific application of counseling psychology. At its core, counseling psychology is about supporting people to improve the assessment of themselves, their environment, and their current challenges as well as optimizing their experiences and their behavior. However, career counseling is often misconceived because the word “counseling” may imply to provide someone with expertise and knowledge. The word “counseling” could be interpreted in the way that clients get to know which professions would fit them best through information and advice given by the counselors. According to this conception, the counselor would provide information about certain professions and the labor market in general, based on his or her expertise. The counselor would also suggest specific occupations or career directions that fit the client. career counseling is about helping clients to construct a subjectively meaningful identity, to increase their self-reflection, and to help them create their career according to their personal identity and life story.

1.5.4 Family counselling

Family therapy or family counseling is a form of treatment that is designed to address specific issues affecting the health and functioning of a family. It can be used to help a family through a difficult period, a major transition, or mental or behavioral health problems in family members (“Family Therapy”, 2014).

As Dr. Michael Herkov explains, family therapy views individuals’ problems in the context of the larger unit: the family (2016). The assumption of this type of therapy is that problems cannot be successfully addressed or solved without understanding the dynamics of the group. The way the family operates influences how the client’s problems formed and how they are encouraged or enabled by other members of their family.

Family therapy can employ techniques and exercises from cognitive therapy, behavior therapy, interpersonal therapy, or other types of individual therapy. Like with other types of treatment, the techniques employed will depend on the specific problems the client or clients present with. It should be noted that in family therapy or counseling, the term “family” does not necessarily mean blood relatives. In this context, “family” is anyone who “plays a long-term supportive role in one’s life, which may not mean blood relations or family members in the same household”.

1.5.5 Pre-marital Counselling

Premarital counseling is a form of therapy that is provided to couples to prepare them for marriage. This counseling plays a vital role in this preparation. It is provided with the aim of helping couples have strong and healthy relationships, thereby giving them a greater chance of enjoying a stable as well as satisfying marriage.

Premarital counseling is provided in order to help couples enhance their relationships prior to marriage. Through this counseling, couples are advised to discuss numerous topics, including the following:

·         Intimacy, affection and sex

·         Communication skills

·         Finances and money management

·         Expectations, beliefs and values

·         Children and parenting

·         Decision making and conflict resolution

·         Dealing with anger and emotions

·         Roles in marriage

Getting premarital counseling is a great way for partners to enhance their ability to communicate and establish realistic expectations from one another. It’s also an excellent way to develop conflict-resolution skills.

It is important to not forget the fact that when each individual brings his/her opinions, values or history into a particular relationship, they do not always match with their partner’s. Often times, people get married believing that it will fulfill their emotional, financial, social, and sexual needs – and it does not turn out as they had expected. When differences and expectations are discussed before marriage, the couple can develop ways to understand as well as support each other after they are married. Early intervention is crucial because the risk of divorce is normally at greatest early in marriage.

1.5.6 Marital Counselling

Marriage counseling, also called couples therapy, helps couples — married or not — understand and resolve conflicts and improve their relationship. Marriage counseling gives couples the tools to communicate better, negotiate differences, problem solve and even argue in a healthier way.

Marriage counseling is generally provided by licensed therapists known as marriage and family therapists. These therapists provide the same mental health services as other therapists, but with a specific focus — a couple's relationship. Here are typical issues that marriage counseling can help you and a spouse or partner cope with: Infidelity, Divorce, Substance abuse, Physical or mental conditions, Same-sex relationship issues, Cultural, clashes, Finances, Unemployment,      Blended families, Communication problems, Sexual difficulties, Conflicts about child rearing, Infertility, Anger, Changing roles etc.


1.6   A Report of An Interview with A School Teacher Councilor Are as Follows:

I made an interview with a student counselor of Naipunnya Public school, Edakkunnu. The Counselor’s name is Maria Paul Chakkiath, she gave me necessary information about the counseling and guidence conducted in that school. They are in details as follows.


1.6.1 What Is the Role of Guidance and Counselling in Schools?

The roles of guidance and counselling is to bring about the maximum development of human potential for the benefit of the individual and society. Her observation is that the school counsellor is concerned with facilitating the optimum development of students. In schools, there is need for students to make proper subject and career choices. It is the role of guidance and counselling programme to provide the students with the necessary information about the courses availability and the qualifications required for each course. Such information will assist students develop realistic self-concept according to their academic capabilities.

Most secondary school students are in the adolescent stage. During this time, adolescent experience alienation which is a syndrome comprising of distrust, anxiety, pessimism, egocentrism, meaninglessness, normlessness and powerlessness. She observes that guidance and counselling is therefore needed during this adolescence stage to assist them, understand their developmental stage and adjust to school life.

Guidance and counselling also help students choose and pursue achievable careers. The students need guidance and counselling programs to inform them about various jobs and openings available, the qualification required plus the responsibilities involved and the nature of the work so that they can decide and have clear occupational goals. The programme also plays the role of intercepting and assisting disadvantaged students and also checks on school drop-out. The school counsellor actually helps the students who are experiencing difficulties.

1.6.2 Role of Guidance and Counselling in Effective Teaching and Learning

Guidance and counselling is an important educational tool in shaping the orientation in a child from negative ideas that is planted in the child by his/her peers. Hence the counsellor to assist the child in moulding their future through counselling therapy. The school counsellor is seen as a role model and highly respected by students. The counsellors by their training are expected to be friends with the school child, listen to the child’s complains, short comings and proper guidance to the child in a quest of moulding the child in the right part to take in their life pursuit.

1.6.3 What Are the Benefits of the School Counseling Program for Students?

 The following are benefit of counselling to students in schools:

 1. Prepare students for the challenges of the 21st century through academic, career, and personal / social development.

2. Relates educational program to future success.

 3. Facilitates career exploration and development.

4. Develops decision-making and problem-solving skills.

5. Assists in acquiring knowledge of self and others.

6. Enhances personal development.

 7. Assists in developing effective interpersonal relationship skills.

8. Broadens knowledge of our changing world.

9. Provides advocacy for students.

10. Encourages facilitative, co-operative peer interactions.

11. Fosters resiliency factors for students.

12. Assures equitable access to educational opportunities.

1.6.4. What Are the School Guidance Counsellors’ Areas of Work?

She explained, in 1981 the Cork branch of the Institute of Guidance Counsellors produced a job description for school Guidance Counsellors listing their areas of work. The School Guidance Counsellor:

1. Counsels individual students and provides group education and vocational guidance.

2. Assists individual students with personal problems; social, emotional etc.

3. Assists with personal development.

4. Advises on study techniques.

5. Advises on job applications and interviews.

6. May engage in psychological testing and other testing.

7. May refer students to other agencies.

8. May co-ordinate a school system of pastoral care.

9. Is responsible for the compilation and availability of occupational information.

10. Enjoys freedom and flexibility in the organization of counselling activities according to the needs of the school.

 1.7. Report of The Visit of Counselling Centre, Sammeksha

As a part of B.Ed curriculum Adi Sankara Training College, Kalady had organized a visit at Sameeksha (Atmamithra), a Counselling Centre at Kalady for us, the first year batch of 2021-23. It was on January 11, 2022. There we got a one-day workshop on guidance and counselling. The session was handled by Fr. Toby Joseph SJ, the director of Atmamithra, a psychotherapist, counselor, NLP Grand master and master practitioner. He has ten years of experience in this field. Vice Principal Miss. Praseetha V. and Metty Miss were accompany with us. John K. Jose introduce the resource person, Fr. Toby and his team of 12, to the students. We started our morning session at 10.20.

Content of The Workshop:

The workshop gave an insight about how important it was for students of B.Ed to have a backup plan along with aiming as a good teacher. There is morning and afternoon session, in the first session Fr. Toby gave us inspirational thoughts and ideas through his life experience. He begins his class with a thought-provoking story and bring us a realm of a new horizon. From this session we got a clear picture of who we are, and our potentialities. Fr Toby ended his morning session with a statement “you are not what you think you are”.

The second session was a practical session, he showed many demos about how to counsel a student, how to build a strong family relationships and bonds, how to handle POSCO cases, bad touch, good touch, child molestation and so on. And also had a game of team building.


In short, through the first session he gave us guidance to become a good teacher and through the second, he gave us how to perform counselling, its methods and how to handle the students. Totally the class was very interesting, informative and memorable. From the visit, we realized how to build a rapport between counselor and counselee, we can see how they create the atmosphere and facilities for giving counselling, its room, equipment, tools and pictures. About 4.15 the workshop came to an end with a vote of thanks by Subin PJ, our co-student.

1.8  Findings and Suggestions 

1.8.1        Findings

·         The student counselor plays an effective and important role in student’s life.

·         Assists in acquiring knowledge of self and others.

·         Enhances personal development.

·         Assists in developing effective interpersonal relationship skills.

·         Broadens knowledge of our changing world.

1.8.2        Suggestions

·      Every school should have a fulltime, minimum two, councilors

           ·      Students should constantly visit the counselor for therapy if they are in any issue that is of burden to them

·      Parents and society should stop to criticize the counseling.

·      The counsellor should see the student as his/her child, friend, and someone that needs help as in a medical doctor patient relationship.

·      Schools should have evaluated the counsellor from the feedback of the students.

·      The Govt. and the management should give equal salary of teacher to the counselor to stick on his profession and treat them like a teacher.

1.9 Conclusion

 The success of democracy depends on educated and enlightened individuals who shoulder the responsibilities of running the administration. Guidance and counselling are the integral part of education. It also helps students in career choice to vying to their appropriate area that they are good at instead of following their peers in choosing a wrong career part. The education of a child needs constant mentoring hence guidance is inimical to their growth and development in a complex society that we are today.


Akinade, E. A. (2012). Modern Behaviour modification, principles and practices. Ibadan: Bright Way Publishers.

Egbo, A. C. (2013). Development of Guidance and counselling. Enugu: Joe best publishers.

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