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Thursday, December 22, 2022

EDU 302.1: Case Study based on Learning Problems of school pupils


EDU 302.1: Case Study based on Learning Problems of school pupils

1.0. Introduction

case study is an in-depth, detailed examination of a particular case (or cases) within a real-world context. A case study research can be single or multiple case studies, includes quantitative evidence, relies on multiple sources of evidence and benefits from the prior development of theoretical propositions.

Case studies comprise of a one on one interview, questionnaires among other data collection forms. A case study involves studying a person’s life and experience to determine the cause of certain behavior. The research may also continue for an extended period, so processes and developments can be studied as they happen. In short, it studies everything about something rather than something about everything.

1.1. Merits

1. Intensive Study: The case study method is responsible for the intensive study of a unit. It is the investigation and exploration of an event thoroughly and deeply.

2. No Sampling: It studies a social unit in its entire perspective. It means there is no sampling in the case study method.

3. Continuous Analysis: it is valuable in analysing continuously the life of a social unit to dig out the facts.

4. Comparisons: It compares different types of facts about the study of unity.

5. Increase in Knowledge: it gives the analytical power of a person to increase knowledge about a social phenomenon.

6. Generalization of Data —The case study method provides grounds for the generalization of data for illustrating statistical findings.

7. Comprehensive: t is a comprehensive method of data collection in social research.

8. Locate Deviant Cases: the deviant cases are these units that behave against the proposed hypothesis. So, it locates these deviant cases. The tendency is to ignore them but is important for scientific study.

9. Framing Questionnaire or Schedule: Through the case study method we can formulate and develop a questionnaire and schedule.

1.2. Demerits

  • Difficulty in generalizing findings from one case study to other settings.
  • Risk of bias, as the researcher's personal opinions and preferences may influence the research.
  • Difficulty in convincing readers who are accustomed to clear-cut statistical answers.
  • In-depth analysis may not be suitable for the audience.

1.3. Case Study Design

There are several basic steps when conducting case study research. Researchers who decide to use a case study design typically:

  1. Articulate the research question
  2. Select a case
  3. Selection of tools
  4. Collect data
  5. Analyse data
  6. Write up research findings

1.4. Statement of the problem

Through different activity, a child shows his/her behaviour traits. That behavior may be socially acceptable or maybe not. Due to different reasons most of the time a child is identified as having learning difficulties. This is the problem I had encountered in St. Joseph HS school during my internship. The student was 16 years of old girl, who have learning problems and introvert in nature.

1.5. Objectives of the study

1. To study the problems of the subject.

2. To study the subject’s interest, abilities, weakness, family background, health record etc.

3. To find out the causes of the problem.

1.6. Area of the study (About the School)

            St.Joseph’s HS School Chengal situates on the bank of the River Periyar, near kalady the birth place of Sri Sankaracharya the exponent of Advaitha philosophy. It has several decades of history to tell. There are around 2500 students are studying here from nursery to higher secondary.

            The higher secondary section consists of two bio-maths batches and two commerce batches as plus one and plus two. There are 12 teachers and two lab assistants and 240 students are studying. This school has all the facilities and keep up the name and fame by flourishing the new horizons of knowledge. The area of the study is confined to this school.

1.7. Delimitation of the study

1. The study is limited to St. Joseph HS School only.

2. The study is limited to one sample/subject only.

1.8. Methodology

For this case I have taken three methods. All the information related to subject is

based on those three methods. Those are:

1. Sociometry

2. Observation

3. Interview

1.8.1. Sociometry

            It is a technique of assessing the social relationship among members in a group through the measurement of the frequency of acceptance or non-acceptance between the individuals who constitute the group. It undertakes to define and measure the likes and dislikes of group members.

            By using this technique, we will get the idea regarding the stars, cliques, mutual and isolated of the class. By this technique, we would understand the position of the specific student under study. I collected students' relationship through the methods of sociometry and I put it in a sociogram diagram given below

1.8.2. Observation and Interview (Case Study-Diary)

Case Study aims at collecting the data regarding the Physical, Psychological and Educational development of a student over a period of time. It shows the trends of development of abilities and interests, if case study is of real value, the data should be accurate and should be based on concrete observation, interview and objective testing.

In order to get the required data, the teacher should watch the students closely at class, at play, at campus and outside, and meet their parents, friends and others who can give his/her correct picture.

In this diary, I have observed the subject in different places of school days. Here the subject was observed on those aspects. On the basis of which I have prepared a dairy where I have included the behaviour of subject in different situation. I have also included the behaviour of subject towards parents when they came to PTA.



Place of contact

Observation Details and remarks


Class room

It was observed that the subject does not showing any interest in the classroom teaching and being absent minded.



She sits in a corner without playing with anyone.



Not attentive in the classroom, biting nails, poking the students near to her.



Not utilize campus for friendship and sharing.



Not answering the questions properly and seems angry after that pick a fight with classmate.



She was not actively participating in the activities during the morning assembly.



During collection of data through interaction she was not giving the responses properly and keep looking here and there.


With parents




Break the pencil box of the classmate and simply drawing on the desk


Exam Hall

Sometimes she writes something, sometimes she looks at the student writing next to her and other times lying with her head on the desk.


1.9. Analysis of Data

All the data about the subject were collected through participative, non-participative observation and interview method. All the collected data were analysed on the basis of previously planned objectives.

Objective No 1. To study the problem of the subject.

For this objective, I have observed the subject in different situations and interview with the teacher. Through observation, I have found that in the classroom the subject is not showing any interest to study. Aggressive with everyone, if they teasing her; the teacher also had the same opinion.

At that time of interview, it was too difficult to get the answer from the subject. I have to ask one question more than two times with a very low tone. Because the subject does not like it when someone talk to her aggressively.

After continuously asking and showing positive attitude towards her she said that she don’t like to involve with people as they make fun of her.

Objective No 2. To study the subject’s interest, abilities, weakness, family background, health record etc.

Through observation and interview with the subject, I have found the interest & abilities. She is, sometimes, interested in dance and games. But due to introvert behavior she never played in a team.

Family background

The subject’s home condition is not so good. The family is nuclear with 4 members. Her father is retired from military, now working as a security and her mother is working in KSFE. She has a sister studying in fifth standard. She was alone at home, even though the sister was there. The father is very strict to fulfil their all needs. Parents has no time to spend time with them.

Educational Record

Her educational record is poor. She often performs poorly in most of the subjects.

Social and Emotional Adjustment

She has problems in social adjustment. She behaves rudely with most of the people.

Objective No 3. To find out the causes of the problem

Through interviews with the subject, teacher and family member, I have found that the problem of the subject started when her early childhood. As some of the students used to bully her and teasing her attitudes and behaviour.

When the subject tried to give answers to those bullies she always got beaten up. After those situations, she became very aggressive and pick fights with everyone. So, no one was willing to friendship with her. She is also not getting proper love and affection from her parents and they are little concerned with her problems. Hence, she become introvert.

1.10. Findings and Suggestions


1. The feeling of inferiority complex could lead to introverted nature 

2. lack of social skills and non participation makes her inhabited around others and makes her introverted

3. Lack of communication and friendly relation with her parents and teachers makes her introverted 

4. The lack of awareness and responsibility of her parents towards her makes her introverted 

5. Mental weakness may also lead to introverted nature 

6. This introverted nature is only the reason that leads to her learning difficulties, the other sides are being good.

Suggestions for the teachers

1. The teacher should make sure that classroom environment is cooperative.

2. Teacher should not make fun of students regarding anything.

3. She should be provided individual attention regarding studies.

4. Emotional support should be provided by the teacher.

5. School can invite different counselling experts, so that students like her could be guided with proper counselling.

6. She should be given regular remedial classes.

Suggestions for the family members

1. Every family member should provide proper emotional support to her.

2. Before giving her punishment regarding her action, her reasons should be asked.

3. Spend time with her, talk with her, interact with her with friends, sending her to different camps, motivational classes etc.

1.11. Conclusion

This study is basically about a student of 16 years of age who is studying in +1 of St. Joseph HS School. Through this study, I have tried to find out the problems that the girl is dealing with. During the four months of my internship period, I have come across about her rude less and introvert nature that sets to learning problems.

From her family members I have come to know that the girl is very shy and introvert in nature from her early days. In this study, I have found out some possible reasons for her behaviour and also, I have given some suggestions and recommendations of her problem through which she can overcome from her learning problem and can achieve a better future.

Learning problems among students is not new. Parents, teachers, friends and classmates all should be very conscious regarding this problem. So that sums up our Case study of a girl with learning problems.

1.12. Report

            As an intern, we were supposed to identify a problematic student, understand the reasons behind his/her problem and try to provide remedial measures to his/her problem in order to solve and prepare a case study report

During the pre-internship phase, we had a session on how to prepare a case study wherein, it was focused on the meaning of the case study its importance, etc. As we have already done a critical study in our previous semester and also, we were well briefed during our orientation session, therefore, I hardly faced any challenges...

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