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Friday, February 24, 2023

B.Ed commission Viva Voce Questions and answers


The questions of Viva- voce of B. Ed Commission & answers

1. Tell about yourself/ introduce yourself

a. your name, b. qualification

c. name of the school for internship

d. standard taught e. subject taught by you

2. Tell me about your experience in Internship?

 a. (positive experience and negative experience how you overcome the negative experience, skills and competencies u achieved, class test, remedial teaching, curricular and extra-curricular activities u had done, etc.)

b. what motivated you to improve yourself as a teacher?

c. any initiative you took during internship in the school

d. what are the professional qualities/ skills of an effective teacher?

4. Teaching methods-

(subject specific- deduction and induction, simple to complex, experimental etc.)

5. FAQs on lesson planning

1. what is lesson plan?

2. steps in lesson plan?

3. purpose of writing lesson plan?

4. how many lesson plans did you write?

5. what are the domains of learning?

6. what are the objectives of a particular domain?

7. what is the learning outcome of a particular lesson?

8. what are the learning strategies?

9. what is learning objective?

10. what is the difference between prerequisite and previous knowledge

11. Approaches in lesson planning? (Herbatian approach)

12. Steps of constructivism

13. What is content analysis

14. What is "concept" in lesson plan?

7. Micro teaching skills

1. what is micro teaching? 2. different micro teaching skills?

3. components of particular teaching skill?

4. examples of any micro teaching skills?

5.what is macro teaching?

6. what is Mini teaching?

8. Teaching aids

1. what are the different types of teaching aids?

2. Give an example of projective teaching aid?

3. Give an example of non-projective teaching aid?

9. Action research

1. what is action research?

2. what are the steps in action research?

3. educational implication of action research?

4. how will you use action research in daily classroom situation?

10. ICT education

1. what are the different types of ICT tools used in learning teaching process?

2. what are the merits and limitations of using ICT?

3. How ICT can be used to make classroom more inclusive?

4. How to create blogger. Com

11. special/ inclusive education

1. how you manage the classroom

2. what are the different ways you use the classroom more inclusive?

3. how you tackle the situation

4. what are the activities you have done for above average and below average students?

5. what are the activities you have done for the special needs children?

12. Evaluation/ assessment process/ Different test

1. what are the different test you used in the classroom?

2. what is the difference between teacher made test and standardised test

3. difference between norm reference test and Criterion reference test

4. what is blueprint?

5. How you prepared the blueprint

6. What do you mean by achievement test?

7. What is diagnostic test and it's procedure?

8. Formula of Mean, median and mode, SD

9. Full form of CCE

10. What is formative assessment?

11. What is summative assessment?

12. Did you conduct test?

13. Did you prepare model question paper

13. Remedial Teaching

1. When & how you use the remedial teaching for the students?

(extra help through online media, extra class, evening class etc.)

2. what was the current status of student? - improve or not?

14. Curricular/ co- curricular activities

1. what are the curricular activities you had done?

2. what are the co-curricular activities you conducted?

3. How did you conduct the activities? (switch Bharat mission, celebrations, Republic Day, )

4. Any initiative you took during internship?

15. Physical Education

1. when international Yoga day?

2. Importance of Yoga? Describe any Asana with benefits?

3. Importance of First Aid, what is chocking how we can help? (What u have written in record)

4. Rules of Long jump? Its fouls, take-off board length

5. Rules of Shot put, its weight for men and women, radius, measurement

6. Aerobics

16. Drama & Arts

1. SUPW- about product and service in general description

2. Theatre practice, about script

3. Describe any local community art forms

4. Name of the interviewee (local folk artist)

5. Criteria of any art form or u have written in the record

6. Which art form class u have conducted in the class?

7. What are the national integration, brotherhood and patriotic activities u have conducted in the school?

18. Questions from option record

1. What is unit plan, how it conducted or purpose, which chapter?

2. Peer evaluation, whose class evaluated, how was it? what are the matters included in the evaluation process? Which class they taught?

3. Self-assessment- which tool used? Which chapter, What u gain from this?

4. Diagnostic test? Which chapter? How u conducted the test? What remedy u prescribed?

5. Achievement Test? How many chapters? Forms of questions and weightage? What is Blueprint?

6. What are the club activities u have performed?

7. What is improvised aid, Explain about your chart and models, its topic, other questions of chart and models related with your topic.

Some answers

1. Different tests used in the classroom can include quizzes, exams, assignments, essays, projects, presentations, and performance assessments.

2. Teacher-made tests are created by the teacher and are designed to measure specific learning outcomes for a particular lesson or unit.

3. Standardized tests are created by external organizations and are designed to measure a student's overall knowledge and skills in a particular subject area. Norm-referenced tests are designed to compare a student's performance to that of a larger group of peers, while criterion-referenced tests are designed to measure a student's performance against a specific set of learning standards.

4. A blueprint is a document that outlines the structure and content of a test, including the number and type of questions that will be included in each section. 3 dimensional form.

To prepare a blueprint, a teacher should identify the learning objectives for the test, determine the weighting of each objective, and create a plan for the number and type of questions that will assess each objective.

5. An achievement test is a test that is used to measure a student's level of knowledge and understanding in a particular subject area.

6. A diagnostic test is a test that is used to identify a student's strengths and weaknesses in a particular subject area. The procedure for a diagnostic test may include a pre-test to determine the student's baseline level of knowledge, followed by targeted assessments or activities to address specific areas of weakness.

7. The formula for mean is (sum of all values / number of values), the formula for median is the middle value of a data set when arranged in order, and the formula for mode is the most commonly occurring value in a data set.

8. The formula for standard deviation is the square root of the variance, which is the average of the squared differences from the mean.

9. CCE stands for Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation.

10. Formative assessment is an ongoing process of gathering and using information about student learning to inform and adjust teaching. Summative assessment is a type of assessment that is used to evaluate student learning at the end of a lesson, unit, or course.

11. Remedial teaching is a type of teaching that is designed to help students who are struggling with a particular subject or skill. It involves targeted interventions and activities to help students improve their understanding and mastery of the material.

12. A unit plan is a detailed plan for a particular unit of instruction that outlines the learning objectives, teaching strategies, and assessment methods that will be used.The importance of a unit plan is that it helps teachers to organize their teaching and ensure that they cover all of the necessary material in a clear and structured way. The steps in unit planning may include identifying the learning objectives, determining the teaching strategies, developing assessment methods, and creating a timeline for the unit. The basis of unit analysis may include the learning objectives, the prerequisite knowledge and skills, the resources available, and the interests and needs of the students.

13. The objectives of peer assessment may include helping students to develop critical thinking skills, providing feedback and support for one another, and promoting collaboration and teamwork. Tools of peer assessment may include rubrics, checklists, peer feedback forms, and group evaluations.

14. The uses of self-assessment may include helping students to take ownership of their learning, promoting reflection and metacognition, and providing opportunities for goal-setting and self-improvement.


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