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Saturday, June 24, 2023

MOOC Organic Farming MG University




This is to certify that the MOOC course entitled “ORGANIC FARMING” submitted by SUBIN P J to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam to the partial fulfilment of the requirements for the award of the degree B.Ed in commerce is a bonafide work undertaken by him under my supervision and guidance at Adi Sankara Training College, Kalady during the academic year 2022-23.

Asst. Prof. Dr. Anuroofa O. M.

MOOC Coordinator

Adi Sankara Training College, Kalady



I, SUBIN P J, do hereby declare that the MOOC course entitled “ORGANIC FARMING” submitted to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam is an original work done by me under the guidance of Asst. Prof. Dr. Anuroofa O.M., MOOC Coordinator, for the partial fulfilment of the award of B.Ed degree in Commerce.

  Place:  Kalady                                                                                     SUBIN P J

  Date: 30/06/2023 


I express my deepest gratitude to the Almighty who showered his blessings upon me to complete this project work.

I wish to express my profound gratitude and heartfelt thanks to our principal Dr.N K Arjunan for his encouragement and giving permission for this project.

            I am very much indebted to MOOC Coordinator Asst. Prof. Dr. Anuroofa O.M., who encouraged my efforts and gave me valuable inputs.

I am extremely grateful to my family and friends for the support given to me from the very beginning to the end for the success of the project organic farming.


  Kalady                                                                                           SUBIN P J



This project report commences with an introduction to organic farming, emphasizing its significance and advantages in the contemporary world. The subsequent section focuses on the "Materials and Methods" employed, encompassing atmospheric conditions, types of manures and fertilizers utilized, land preparation techniques, and pest management strategies.

The project further includes a series of tabular columns presenting data pertaining to plant stand establishment, crop height, fruit count and weight, planting and harvesting dates, as well as cumulative crop yield.

Organic farming serves as a vision for fostering a harmonious coexistence with nature. I express my gratitude to MG University and Adi Sankara Training College, Kalady, for affording me the opportunity to participate in and gain a remarkable experience in the realm of organic farming.




     SL. NO.






Chapter- 1






Chapter- 2






Chapter- 3























1.1. Organic Farming

Organic farming is an agricultural technique that emphasizes natural cultivation methods to foster the growth of plants. This approach avoids the use of synthetic substances, instead relying on biological materials to maintain soil fertility and preserve ecological balance. By minimizing pollution and waste, organic farming strives to create a sustainable and environmentally-friendly system. It encompasses various principles such as crop rotation, green manure, organic waste utilization, biological pest control, and the addition of mineral and rock substances.

Organic farming permits the use of pesticides and fertilizers if they are derived from natural sources, while avoiding the use of petrochemical-based alternatives. Its overarching goal is to contribute to the health and well-being of soil, plants, animals, humans, and the planet. By providing pollution-free and chemical-free nutritious food, organic farming supports mental, physical, and ecological well-being. It embodies the vision of harmonious coexistence with nature, resulting in healthy soil that nurtures robust plants, leading to a healthier populace. This production system sustains soil health, ecosystems, and human welfare, relying on ecological processes, biodiversity, and locally adapted cycles, instead of relying on inputs that have detrimental effects.

By combining tradition, innovation, and scientific knowledge, organic agriculture benefits the shared environment, promotes equitable relationships, and enhances overall quality of life for all involved. It is a holistic approach that considers the interconnectedness of soil, plants, animals, and humans. Organic farming serves as a means to provide pollution-free, chemical-free, and nutritious food for individuals. It is a vision for a sustainable future, where farming practices align with the principles of nature. Through the integration of traditional wisdom, cutting-edge techniques, and scientific advancements, organic farming creates a positive impact on the environment and fosters a high standard of living for everyone.


1.1. Importance of Organic Farming

Ø  Organic farming helps preserve soil health, biodiversity, and natural ecosystems.

Ø  Organic food is healthier as it is free from synthetic pesticides and GMOs.

Ø  Organic farming enhances soil fertility and can contribute to carbon sequestration.

Ø  Organic farms support biodiversity and provide habitats for various plant and animal species.

Ø  Organic animal farming reduces the risk of antibiotic resistance and prioritizes animal welfare.


1.3. Principles Of Organic Farming

According to IFOAM (2002), organic agriculture practices are based on the following principles:

A.            Principle Of Health

B.            Principle Of Ecology

C.            Principle Of Fairness

D.            Principle Of Care


1.4. The aims of organic farming can be explained as follows:

1. Environmental Preservation: Organic farming aims to protect and preserve the environment by reducing pollution, promoting biodiversity, and conserving natural resources.

2. Soil Fertility and Health: Organic farming aims to enhance and maintain soil fertility and health through practices that improve soil structure, nutrient cycling, and microbial activity.

3. Chemical-Free Food: Organic farming aims to produce food that is free from synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and genetically modified organisms (GMOs), promoting healthier and safer food choices.

4. Sustainable Agriculture: Organic farming aims to establish a sustainable agricultural system that can meet present needs without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

5. Animal Welfare: Organic farming aims to prioritize the welfare of animals by providing them with access to outdoor areas, natural diets, and humane living conditions.

6. Health and Well-being: Organic farming aims to contribute to the health and well-being of consumers by providing nutritious, chemical-free food that is beneficial for human health.

7. Climate Change Mitigation: Organic farming aims to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting carbon sequestration in soils, and adopting climate-smart farming practices.

8. Economic Viability: Organic farming aims to create viable and sustainable livelihoods for farmers by providing fair prices for organic produce and supporting local economies.

9. Community Engagement: Organic farming aims to foster community engagement and participation by promoting local food systems, farmers' markets, and organic farming networks.

10. Knowledge Sharing and Education: Organic farming aims to share knowledge, promote education, and encourage the adoption of organic farming practices among farmers, consumers, and the wider community.

1.5. Location of Farming

            I chose the backyard of my house at Angamaly




2.1. The crops selected for the project

1. Seeds of Tomato

2. Seeds of Cowpea

3. Seeds of Ladies finger

4. Seeds of Red Spinach

5. Seeds of Chilli

2.2. Source of Seeds

Krishi Bhavan Angamaly      

2.3. Crop season

Cowpea: June 1st week, Sept-Oct, Jan -Feb

Tomato: April - May

Ladies’ finger: Jan - Feb, May -June, Sept -Oct

Chilli: May, June, Sept, Oct

Red spinach: March, April

2.4. Weather condition prevailed

Intermittent rainfall

2.5. Agricultural implements and equipments

Hoe, spade, shovel, mattock, garden trowel, gardening gloves, wheelbarrow, watering-can, rake.

2.6. Liming material -    Limestone powder

·         It is used as soil conditioners to provide a base to correct acidity.

·         It is used for maintaining the pH of the soil.

·         Improves calcium levels in the soil.

·         Increases good bacterial activity.                                           

·         Prevents the buildup of harmful lawn toxins.

 2.7. Quantity of liming material

100g per grow bag

2.8. Manures

   2.8.1.  Basal application.

       Treating soil with limestone powder

       Mixing the soil with goat manure, cow manure, chicken manure and cocopeat

    2.8.2.  Top dressing

       Adding wood ash, bone meal, organic compost to the soil

    2.8.3.  Biofertilizers

       Bio compost

   2.8.4.   Bio slurries


       Mix fermented rice water with 200g each of groundnut cake and neem cake.

       Leave the mixture in room temperature for two days and allow it to ferment.

       Now, dilute this mixture (9L of water for 1L for slurry) and pour at the bottom of the plants.

2.9. Bio Pesticides

Jaivakeedanashini (mixture of neem oil and garlic).

2.10. Crop management

    2.10.1.  Liming

       Treat the garden soil with limestone powder and leave it for one week.

    2.10.2.  Potting mixture preparation (including basic manuring)

       To the limed soil, add 100g of bone meal, 100g of neem cake, 500 g of goat manure, 500g of chicken manure, 200g of coco peat, 500g of cow manure and some water (for each bag).

       Mix them to obtain your potting mixture and fill ¾th of the grow bag with this mixture.


2.10.3.  Pit filling

Initially, add some dried/green leaves at the bottom of the pit. Now, fill the pit with the potting mixture prepared in the previous step.

    2.10.4.  Seeding

       Treat the seeds with pseudomonas fluorescents solution and soak overnight.

       Decant the excess water and allow the seeds to sprout for 24 hours.

       Now, sow the seeds in the potting soil at the proper depth and water them wisely.

   2.10.5.  Planting

       As a method of backup, we can also sow a few seeds in a tray after filling it with quality potting soil and subjecting it to all the necessary external conditions.

       Once it germinates and grows into tiny saplings, you can transfer it to your grow bags.

   2.10.6.  Top dressing

       After few days of seeding, dress the soil with wood ash, bone meal and organic compost and bio slurries.

   2.10.7.  Pest management

      1. Ladies’ finger

1.Jassids/hoppers: Apply neem-garlic biopesticide

            2.Fruit and shoot borer: Destroy the damaged parts and apply neem seed kernel suspension@50g in 1L

      2. Chilli

            1.Aphids: Apply neem-based soap emulsion

            2.Jassids: Apply neem-garlic emulsion

       3. Tomato

            1. Aphids, Hornworm, White fly: Apply neem oil and neem-based pesticides

       4. Cowpea

            1.Aphids, Hoppers, White fly: Spray neem-based pesticides

            2. Pod borer: Apply neem seed kernel suspension 5%

     5.  Red Spinach

           1.Cucurbit fruit fly: Apply neem-garlic pesticide

2.10.8. Disease management


           1.Damping off - apply lime before planting and add neemcake

           2.Leaf spot - spray Pseudomonas(20g/l)

           3.Viral diseases - spray neem based pesticides(2.5ml/L)

           4.Bacterial wilt - drench Pseudomonas at 15 days interval


           Fusarium wilt, Root rot-seed treatment with Trichoderma and apply neem cake (150 kg/ha)

       Red Spinach

            1.Leaf spot - spray BM % or Mancozeb 3g/l

            2.Soft rot/Rhizome rot - treat seeds with Pseudomonas before planting

2.10.9. Water management

       Good agricultural practices as managing soil fertility and reducing land degradation can increase water efficiency.

       Use best water-efficient irrigation systems. Reduce evaporation by avoiding midday irrigation using drip irrigation techniques.

       Use rainwater harvesting for irrigation.


                                       OBSERVATION AND DATA COLLECTION


Table 1: Height of plants in cm (15 days interval)


                                  10 cm

                      Ladies’ finger

                                   3 cm


                                   3 cm

                      Red Spinach

                                   5 cm





Table 2: No. of branches



                      Ladies’ finger




                      Red Spinach





Within, 15 days of growth, the cowpea demonstrated vigorous growth, reaching a height of 10 cm with the development of four branches. The ladies finger showcased steady progress, measuring 3 cm and displaying two leaves. Similarly, the chili plant grew to a height of 3 cm with two leaves, while the spinach reached 5 cm with five leaves. The tomato plant exhibited substantial growth, standing at 6 cm tall and boasting three leaves. These measurements reflect the successful cultivation and care provided to each plant.

Table 3: Height of Plants

Sl. No.

Type of Plants

30 days


90 days







Ladies’ finger

40 cm

70 cm








Red Spinach









The growth of each plant was carefully monitored, with height measurements taken at 30-day intervals. My diligent care and attention, all the plants displayed consistent and impressive growth throughout the observation period. The dedication and nurturing provided by me contributed to the plants’ healthy development, showcasing the effectiveness of care routine.

NB. Add Images of planting, growth stage

Table 4: Harvest Days

Type of plants

Days of planting

Day of harvesting

Total Yield







Ladies’ finger



















The careful nurturing of cowpeas, ladies finger, chili, spinach, and tomatoes led to a bountiful harvest of vegetables, exceeding expectations and demonstrating the effectiveness of cultivation techniques. With a cumulative total of 10 kg of ladies finger, 25 kg of cowpeas, 3 kg of chilies, 12 kg of tomatoes, and 16 kg of spinach, the farmers’ hard work and dedication paid off, providing a diverse and nutritious selection of fresh vegetables for consumption.

NB: Add images of harvesting





4.1. Reflection 

Engaging in this project was a truly enriching experience that provided me with valuable insights into the realm of organic farming. Throughout the process, I undertook various stages of project development, immersing myself in the intricacies of sustainable agriculture. Beginning with the procurement of seeds and fertilizers, I diligently prepared the ground by ploughing it and creating a nourishing bed of natural soil. Sowing the seeds directly into the earth, I ensured they received regular watering and closely monitored their growth each day.

To enhance the plants' nutrition, I incorporated necessary organic nutrients by top dressing the soil. However, despite my efforts, a few seeds failed to germinate, while others exhibited stunted growth. Confronted with challenges such as diseases and pest infestations, I took proactive measures, utilizing suitable organic pesticides and implementing effective crop care techniques.

This endeavour has provided me with a deep appreciation for the intricate balance of nature and the importance of sustainable farming practices. It was truly rewarding to witness the fruits of my labor as the crops flourished and thrived under my attentive care. This hands-on experience has instilled in me a passion for organic farming and a commitment to promoting environmentally-friendly agricultural methods in the future.

4.2. Conclusion

                In conclusion, my venture into organic farming yielded fruitful results and provided valuable insights into sustainable agriculture. Through careful preparation, including soil ploughing and seed sowing, followed by regular watering and close monitoring of plant growth, I nurtured a variety of crops. While facing challenges such as seed germination issues and pests, I employed suitable organic pesticides and implemented effective crop care practices.

This project not only demonstrated the importance of maintaining a balanced ecosystem but also reinforced my commitment to environmentally-friendly farming methods. The experience of witnessing the successful growth of the crops has inspired me to further explore and promote organic farming, contributing to a healthier and more sustainable approach to food production. Overall, this journey into organic farming has been educational and rewarding, emphasizing the benefits of sustainable practices for both the environment and our food systems.

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